Monday, August 19, 2013

Two days in a row of good editing

Went from 211 to 226...15 pages :)

Time for bed!!

Also, I've been hard core craving funnel cake lately. Too bad it isn't fair season in Phoenix. Maybe they have it at Costco or something?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I edited pages 192 through 211...18 pages. I'd do more but my battery keeps dying. I even sat and let it charge for 20 minutes (I'm at Barnes n Noble).

It'll probably die any second now. Back to daily editing :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:W McDowell Rd,Goodyear,United States

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's a Girl!!!

We're having another baby girl!!  Our three year old will be so excited!  She has chosen 'Doc McStuffins' as the name...we're working on her though.  Don't want to start the sibling rivalry right off the bat, haha.

Honestly though, no names yet...Steve has been leaning towards Abigale, which I like a lot...but I just realized that I feel the need to spell check the name right now and that's probably a bad sign.

I need to get back into editing.  Now that the big work event is done I'm just trying to catch up in every other aspect of my life, and unfortunately, the editing keeps getting pushed to last (our floors were in desperate need of vacuuming and cleaning and I have deadlines I can't ignore with the jewelry business, which is going great).  Soon....I'm promising myself...soon.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I'll be back soon, I promise!

This week has been insane.  I have a big work event this upcoming weekend that I've been preparing for since mid-week last week.  I'll be back next week.  We find out the sex of the baby on Monday :)