Saturday, February 9, 2013

Worst Week Ever

Obviously it couldn't have been that bad, right?  I interviewed for a job I really felt confident about, then they asked me to come back in for a second interview, and I still didn't get it.  I'm at an all time low as far as my hopes for finding a good job here.  If you follow me on Facebook (which I'm sure you do, since I think the only people in the world that read this blog are my Facebook friends), you already know this information.  It was an emotional week though, I won't lie, I had my hopes up real high for that job.  I'm basically over it now, but I don't look forward to the endless job searching, applying, waiting, then giving up on most of the jobs I thought would be a good fit for me.

There was some awful news last Saturday morning, then there was similarly awful news this morning, both aren't my place to write into the Blogspot void, so I'll just leave it at that.  I'm not looking forward to next Saturday morning though.

My aunt is reading my book.  Dan finished it last weekend and gave my some great feedback.  He has more, but I have to figure out how to get the notes he made on the Kindle document I sent him.  My sister also offered to read it but hasn't had a chance to start it yet.  I'm keeping an open mind and so far I'm still feeling confident about the book itself.  I'll find out soon if it made it through the first round in the ABNA contest.  I almost don't want it to move to the second round so I can make more edits and look for an agent.

Those are my only updates for now.  I'll be sure to write when the ABNA first round winners are announced (I think that'll be around February 15th).

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