I mean, the microphone is just ridiculous, especially considering I don't ever intend to use this to make phone calls, unless it's too inconvenient not to. So I had a little birthday money stashed away and figured, since that annoying Best Buy employee can't point me in the right direction, I'll just buy bluetooth after bluetooth until I find one that works this well.
I'm SOOOO happy I did. The first try was the winner. The box said something about having a range up to 300ft...sold. It's a Motorola Boom and I did actually see some positive reviews for it during my research. I'm so glad I made that choice. When i finally figured out how to get it to work (I kept expecting it to have a little light show up when plugging it in to charge it but it turns out, the light is so tiny, I thought it was a speck of paint on the volume buttons...there's a much more appropriate looking spot on the outside that isn't actually a light).
So once I realized it was actually working fine, I paired it with my phone, and feeling a bit nervous, slid my phone into my pocket to test it out. Expecting the typical break in signal, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I can have my phone in any pocket, turn my head in any direction, even walk into another room, and this thing never loses signal. It does when the microwave is on (duh), or if I walk too far away, or have too many walls between my ear and my phone, but I seriously couldn't duck behind the couch before without missing most of what Ira Glass was saying. So obviously I've been listening constantly. I finished One More Thing by BJ Novak...which was less entertaining, in my opinion, after the halfway point. Caught up on my favorite podcasts (Books on the Nightstand, Studio 360, some other NPR ones, I Should be Writing, All Write Already, Writing Excuses), started 'Dark Places' by Gillian Flynn...whenever I get back into doing something like this (which feels like a break for my brain while my body is doing something unpleasant, like folding clothes), I get all forgiving of myself for not doing everything I want to do with my life. For instance, I haven't been writing much at all since I finished editing my book for the second time. And this afternoon I decided, it doesn't mean I'm not a writer. It doesn't mean I'm giving up on myself. I can take a damn break, for crying out loud. The reason doesn't matter. So I'm upset with my writing right now...that doesn't mean I need to quit for good. I need to be okay with myself before I force myself to write when I don't want to, which will make it feel even more forced and horrible.
Okay, this was a lot more detail than it needed to be to get the simple point across that I got a new bluetooth, and it's awesome. So, if you're like me and you like listening to talk radio, podcasts, audiobooks, and you have a smartphone (seriously, how did I exist before my iPhone?), and you want a good Bluetooth...try this one out. It's freakin awesome.
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