Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Good Weeknight.

I'm feeling accomplished again. Tonight was actually (overall) one of the best nights I've had in a while. I stopped at the library after work and checked out two books. Each of them pertained to writing in some way (I LOVE the library and since I'm currently in the middle of a book, I didn't want to get any fiction). When I got home from the library, I relaxed a bit, then took the dog for a walk. Since being pregnant, the summer has been ten-times more hellish to me than I have ever experienced. It was so humid this evening that I felt like a swollen ball of grease and sweat when I got home, so I took a COLD shower, which felt incredible. Afterward, I cleaned a bit, read some of the library books, ate pizza for dinner with my husband and finally came up here to write again. Right now I'm about to go back down to spend some more time with my husband before bedtime.

I am in love with productive weeknights!

Total words written: 22,027
Total words tonight: 535

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