Sunday, January 13, 2013

Podcasts are taking over my life.

As I posted about a week ago...I have recently acquired a bluetooth headset.  I actually swapped out the Jabra one I originally purchased for a Platronics headset.  I was trying to remedy the connectivity issue I kept having and I also replaced my iPhone case for a thicker plastic one (to try and provide the most distance between the phone and my skin, which I kid you not, seemed to make the issue worse...if I held the iPhone the wrong way it sounded like whatever I was listening to was the old days with CD players).  The Platronics headset also has about double the amount of time in the battery life, which was a plus.  My problems with the sound breaking up went from about 25% annoying to only 10% annoying..which is much more bearable.

I've had my iPhone playing either an audiobook or podcast in my ear for most of the day everyday since I first got the bluetooth.  Since audiobooks are something I want the ability to focus on, I usually only listen to them when Jane is napping and Daddy is out, or while I'm taking the dog and toddler for a walk.  So for all those other times of the day (the majority), I have been listening to podcasts.  I'm using the iCatcher app for my phone because it has a really user friendly way of automatically downloading new podcasts, lets me make playlists where I can group similar podcasts together, and lets me change up the order in which they play.

Here are the podcasts I'm listening to (I've had to look around for more after I caught up on my regulars in a day or two):

Another Mother Runner 
I really like this one.  The hosts are those people that consider 5 miles a short run.  I hope it motivates me to get better at distance running...I was doing well in Pennsylvania but, since moving to Arizona, my average distance is only about 2.5 miles. 

Books and Authors by BBC
Another great one...some extremely famous authors and actors have been interviewed already and I've only listened to a few episodes.  

Books on the Nightstand
Yet another great one...the two hosts both work with a major publishing company (can't remember which) and they talk about all the books they're reading.  It's only every couple of weeks, which is the only bad part about this one.

Get Fit Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Slim Down and Shape Up
Not terrible.  I basically listen to this one because it's a short and sweet addition to my 'fitness' playlist.

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Awesome.  She quickly and easily points out common grammar mistakes (that I make).

History Extra
I'm trying this one out today...and I'm sad to say I have had trouble paying attention to it.  I'm sure it's extremely interesting, but I'm afraid I really don't like history, regardless of how badly I'd like to.

I Should Be Writing
This is one of the ones I've listened to for years...since I found out what a podcast is, in fact.  It's a great motivator for writing but I never listen to the interviews because they're typically with self-published (I think) authors who write sci-fi type books (nothing at all against self-published or sci-fi, but it's just not my cup of tea....hilarious actually, since my book is probably closer to 'sci-fi' than anything else and I can totally see myself self-publishing it in 5 years if I can't sell it and still have as much faith in it as I do now).

New Yorker: Fiction
Haven't gotten through more than one of these yet because it's similar to the audiobook conundrum...I need to be able to focus and I have trouble finding those moments throughout the day.

NPR: Technology Podcast

NPR: Books Podcast

NPR: Shuffle Podcast
Great because it finds a random sampling of whatever reports were played on NPR that day and is, in fact, a daily podcast.  I love National Public Radio.

On the Media
I really like this one because it brings up super interesting facts about today's popular culture.  For instance, someone who worked for the reality show business was interviewed and anonymously reported how scripted those shows are.  One show he worked on actually cut out two members of the family because the producers thought they didn't have enough entertainment value.

Parent Savers
I want to listen to this one but I just subscribed and so I haven't had a chance to yet.  It has tips for parents though and looks like it's going to be good.

Poem of the Day
These are lower in the list on my playlist that contains New Yorker: Fiction so I haven't listened to one yet.

Science Friday
NPR does Science Friday weekly (duh), and it has been a long-time favorite of mine.

Studio 360 from PRI and WNYC
I like it so far.  Also has interesting stories about the world and I'm getting much more 'current' on current events with this one and NPR Shuffle.

Stuff You Missed in History Class
See my thoughts on History Extra...I really wish I could get into history.

The Classic Tales Podcast
Freakin awesome.  This guy with a great voice reads classics like The Wizard of Oz.  I'd pay money for this one.  Speaking of which, if you didn't already know, all podcasts are free and are available for download through iTunes.

The Creative Penn
British writer who talks about writing and publishing and also interviews interesting people like one of a higher-ups working for Kobo.  

The Jillian Michaels Show
Only celebrity podcast I listen to and it's also part of my 'fitness' playlist.  She sometimes has good tips and sometimes annoys the hell out of me.

Mighty Mommy's Quick an Dirty Tips for Practical Parenting
So far it's okay.  I think I like Grammar Girl better as far as the quick and dirty tips go.

Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous
Better than the Fit Guy's one.  I'm trying not to drink soda anymore because of this podcast.

Writing Excuses
Another good writing podcast.  I love listening to all the tips from these podcasts on writing, and it reminds me everyday of how badly I want to become a writer.

That was a long list.  I wasn't expecting to write all of that.  I guess it helps reinforce the title of this blog post.

So as you can imagine...I'm getting a lot of use out of this bluetooth.  Think about it though, my mind is idle for most of the activities I partake in throughout an average day...and I usually do want to find time to listen to these podcasts and what better way than to combine the pleasure I get from listening with activities like grocery shopping, diaper changing (yea, she's still boycotting the potty), and picking up?

Just figured I'd let anyone who is reading my blog know what has been keeping me busy all week!  And just to assure you...I feel SO great...I think this listening has made me more mellow, less anxious, and has honestly made me feel like my brain is functioning somewhat better than before....maybe because I'm forcing it to multitask 9 hours a day, haha?

Jane is doing great too...I know I neglect her in these posts, but that's not the case during the day...she's learning colors, she can count objects, she's talking up a storm, and I'm really loving all this extra time I'm getting with her.  I still do desperately want a job...but I know it's going to be heartbreaking, not having this much time with her when I do finally go back to work.  She just looked at me and said 'I'm a princess'...who wouldn't miss that?

Hope you all had a great weekend!!! I should give out a prize to whoever read this entire post!

1 comment:

  1. great it's wonderful information. thanks for sharing
